Aus der Kategorie Screenshots machen ist hier Capture By George! für Windows auf deutsch in der aktuellen Version 2.51 erhältlich und wurde bislang 3341 mal kostenlos heruntergeladen. Der Download wurde zuletzt am aktualisiert.

Einfach und schnell Screenshots erstellen

Capture By George! is an advanced Windows screen capture application that offers an easy and intuitive method of making screen captures. Simply select the screen region to capture before pressing the Capture button; not after as with many other screen capture applications. With Capture By George!, you can save time and enhance your screen shots. Capture By George! will help you make quick and easy screen captures for any purpose: - Capture a window or any part of the Windows desktop to use in documentation. - Print screens to design program interfaces. - Use captured images in hypertext books or computer based training software. - Save a message screen to send to technical support for a quick description of the issue. - Publish your screenshots on the web. You can choose among five file formats (BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF), adjust color and dithering settings to achieve the optimal result. Adjustments are visualized in real-time, providing the ability to compare simultaneously up to four different results for saving in various formats and compression levels. The program features customizable system wide hotkeys, timer allowing to capture menus, the "Capture cursor" and other options.

Aktuelle Version 2.51 downloaden

Capture By George! 2.51 kostenlos

Weitere Infos, sowie eine Deinstallations-Anleitung finden Sie hier: Download FAQ / Deinstallation

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